Going into unchartered territory… and here comes the fear… (Read Time: 3 min.)


blog-1Growing up, when I thought about what I wanted to do and be, there were three things that came to mind:

  1. A soap opera writer
  2. Mariah Carey
  3. Danielle Steel

If you dig a little deeper, most of my adult life, I’ve wanted to do two things with my life: write books and have babies.

And, in over 30 years, that dream hasn’t left me.  I guess it’s time I go into full swing about achieving the dream… and this would be the year to do it.

2017 is the year to rise.  Rising brings up a lot of stuff (wanted and unwanted).  Rising means you can no longer hide behind things, people and excuses.  Rising means you finally have to accept that you’re powerful enough to turn the tide.  Rising also means that if you’re still holding on to stuff that isn’t good for you, you’re choosing that… and self-love is the issue (never the other person).

2017 is the year to begin again.  Not in a clean slate/fresh start kind of way but in a “I’ve been to hell and back.  Now it’s time for me to create my heaven” fashion.  In each of our lives, we are both creator and destroyer and we get to perform both roles with ease.

This is the year to destroy the things that no longer serve and to create the experiences that do.  If you’ve been living on the sidelines of your life, it’s time to get into the game!  How do you do that?  Make a decision!

And I’m taking my own advice here.  I’ve decided to revamp this blog and make it a source of revenue in my business.

Guess what?  I have NO clue “how” to do that.

When I say NO clue, what I mean is this:

I’ve heard the stories, read the articles, watched the videos, and I get how other bloggers have done it.  I understand some of the processes to do it.  But creating a revenue goal around it and then knowing which steps to take next?  Yup, no clue.

So I’m going to blog about the entire experience.

Maybe you’ll learn lessons.

Maybe I’ll figure things out sooner than I think.

Maybe I’ll change my mind.  It’s called adventure for a reason.

So here are my 90 day blogging goals (deadline- April 15, 2017):

  • Blog 2 times a week (Mondays and Thursdays)
  • Earn $2,000 a month in revenue ($6,000 by April 15th, 2017)

NOTE: Putting those goals in a post and sharing them with the world IS scary… and I’m doing it anyway.

What’s one thing that you’re afraid to do in your business that you need to do?

Do it today…







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