I took a break and now I’m back… (2 min.)

It's taken me weeks longer than I expected to come back to She Runs the Show.  I've been in a mode of self-reflection the past few months... and between all the self-reflection and all the business plan considerations... and a few health scares... I spent some time asking, "Am I running myself too hard, too …

Continue reading I took a break and now I’m back… (2 min.)

Is Your Pride Hijacking Your Health? Why Women Breadwinners Need to Stop, Look, & Listen… (Read Time: 4 min.)

I used to insist upon doing it all: myself, right, and perfect the FIRST time. I used to expect, on the rare occasion that I asked for help, that people did it just like me, right, and perfect the FIRST time. I used to shake my head in absolute knowing when people let me down, …

Continue reading Is Your Pride Hijacking Your Health? Why Women Breadwinners Need to Stop, Look, & Listen… (Read Time: 4 min.)