Ever wonder… why isn’t my business growing? (Read time: 3 min.)

Blog 2Monday morning… the beginning of a new week, a new day, a new opportunity to look at your business and ask, “What will I share with the world this week?”  And, yet, so many entrepreneurs wake up to Monday thinking, “How am I going to turn this around?”  Can you feel the difference between those two questions?

The first question is filled with possibility.  The second question is riddled with anxiety.  “But…”, a struggling entrepreneur might say, “How do I focus on sharing my talents with the world when I’m not making money in my business (or at least the kind of money I thought I would make by now)?”

Here’s my answer… The reason you’re NOT making that kind of money is because your focus is on the wrong thing.

Giving creates.  Taking denies.  

That’s true in life and business.  So let me ask you… when was the last time you put your WHOLE heart and mind into your business, not with a focus on “How many people can I sell this week?” or “How many offers can I make?” or “What’s my Call To Action?”  No, when was the last time you woke up, went to your blog or website, got on Facebook Live and thought to yourself, “I’m going to give EVERYTHING I’ve got because someone in my tribe needs it and I can’t wait to help that person out”?

When was the last time?  

Or are you so focused on making money and producing a certain income and being that Rags-to-Riches- Forbes Magazine Entrepreneur-of-the-Year story that all you can focus on is “How do I get there from here?”

I can help you out with that question too.  You don’t…

If what you want is a business that thrives, if what you need is an empire that lasts, the ONLY way to get there is this: give EVERYTHING that you have to your tribe because you want to.

Keep your revenue projections but don’t focus your day to day on them.

Look over your open rates and your conversions but don’t make that the high or low of your day.

Offer your products, services and courses to your tribe because, yes, they do need them but don’t make your business live or die based on whether you sell enough this week.  It will run your creativity dry, kill your desire, and ruin the relationship you have with your tribe.

You want success?  Be that, share that, and help others get that and then see what happens…

P.S.  The latest She Runs The Show podcast is all about the lessons I learned from launching the online course that nearly killed me (yes it did).  Check out the latest episode HERE.

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