I Chose Us But You Chose You: How Women Entrepreneurs Deal With Infidelity (Read Time: 3 min.)

Unsplash 1I knew it was coming… For years, the writing had been on the wall…

You know exactly who I’m talking about: Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick…

Yes, the Kardashians… and everyone could see the writing on the wall: Kourtney’s the stability, the security, the breadwinner, and the power entrepreneur.  Scott’s the younger, inept, aimless, addiction-prone partner who is clearly less ambitious, seriously suffering from an inferiority complex, and blatantly unhappy in the relationship… and now he’s been caught cheating.

I’m sad for the children.

I’m angered by the absolute disrespect.

I’m floored by the blatant disregard one person can have for his entire family…

And I’m heartbroken by the fact that Kourtney, as a woman entrepreneur who’s the breadwinner, is not the only woman entrepreneur going through something like this…

Just because her dirty laundry is on blast everywhere doesn’t mean she’s the only one.  There are far too many women entrepreneurs who have successful business lives but, at home, they are desperately waiting… to… exhale…

And it’s time that these powerful women entrepreneurs stopped the madness and did the one thing they’re afraid to do (the one thing Kourtney Kardashian is doing right now): begin again…

We’re so afraid to start over.  So afraid to begin again.  The fear is so great, in fact, that we’ll settle for less than what we deserve, hide behind facades that were never real, and pretend like everything’s great when nothing is.  It’s time to get real and get moving.  Starting over is tough but staying in a hopeless, heartless situation is even tougher.

If someone isn’t treating you right, it’s time to go.  If a situation (business or pleasure) doesn’t feel right, spend no time deliberating your intuition.  Listen and take action.  If you’re feeling lukewarm in your life and numb in your relationships, there’s some truth that you aren’t willing to look at.

And, if you’re in a Kourtney/Scott dead-end relationship that you know wasn’t built for you, it’s time to start over.  Don’t wait.  Don’t debate.  Let it go and get back to yourself… I know it’ll be tough (been there).  I know divorce is never fun (lived it).  I get that you, as the “successful” partner, may have so much to lose (emotionally, financially, etc.) but, if you stay, you have way more to lose that you can’t ever get back.

There is no amount of money that can buy back your self-respect, self-esteem and self-worth.  Nothing is worth losing your soul.

If you need help with starting over, check out my latest book- Begin Again: 32 Ways to Release the Fear of Starting Over.

In the meantime, listen to your gut.  Your intuition is never wrong…




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